that gave warning under R-devel.if
statements where argument could be > 1.qvcalc.BTabilities
to estimate
abilities with non-player abilities set to non-zero values (for models with
a fixed reference category).qvcalc.BTabilities
moved over from package qvcalc.level
in predict.BTm
and predict.glmmPQL
is 0 if a fixed
effects model has been fitted, 1 otherwise.BTabilities now works (again) for models where the reference category is
not the first player. Players are kept in their original order (levels
of player1
and player2
), but the abilities are returned with the
appropriate reference.
BTabilities now works when ability is modelled by covariates and some
parameters are inestimable (e.g. as in chameleons.model
on ?chameleons
now works for models with inestimable parameters
now returns NA
for unidentified abilitiesplayer1
and player2
factors. Also handle unidentified coefficients
object BTglmmPQL
to avoid conflict with lme4
(which loads MASS).BTm
so that it is able to find variables when called inside
another function (stackoverflow.com question 14911525).fixed anova.BTmlist
to work for models with random effects
allow models to be specified with no fixed effects
fixed offset
argument to work as documented
corrected documentation for citations
now works for models with no random effects and handles
new individuals with missing values in predictors.BTm.setup
causing problems in finding variables when BTm
nested within another function.